For the entrepreneur who wants to be noticed...

DIscover a new way to create Content
That is Fun, Binge-able, and Profitable
Even if you hate getting on camera and think you're boring.
Does the thought of creating video content make you break out in a nervous sweat?
  • You can't afford all the equipment
  • You have a face for audio
  • You're not an extrovert
  • ​There are lots of people already making videos in your niche so why even bother
You're tired of SHOUTING into the VOID of social media! 

STOP Obsessing Over...

Vanity numbers
Going Viral
Trying to talk to everyone gets you nowhere!
Hey there! If we haven't met before I'm Jessica Santise - the brains, the brawn, and the beauty behind Be Just Different  - just ignore my face for audio ;) 

Being the super-introvert that I am, being behind the camera has always been where my heart is so starting a business around video editing just felt natural.

That is until I realized that you don't have a business without clients, and in order to get clients you have to...
Talk to people!
:Insert Kevin McAllister screaming here::
As you can imagine, I struggled hard when it came to creating content for my own business.  As a 4 on the enneagram I struggle hard with all the syndromes:
  • Squirrel Syndrome
  • ​Shiny Object Syndrome
  • ​Imposter Syndrome

It wasn't until I had a client who came to me asking if I could make some animated stickers for her. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.


According to Social Media Today:

LinkedIn users are 20x more likely to share a video on the platform than any other 
type of post
Pinterest users are 2.6x more likely to make a purchase after viewing brand video content
 on the platform
Video generates more engagement than any other content type on Instagram


Create fun and professional-looking content 

without having to be a designer or tech wizard

STOP hiding

Stop vomiting freebies

STart being strategic
You could create content that is instantly recognizable and professional .
(so you can stop getting lost in the land of overused stock photos)
You could generate videos without a fancy camera or going live .
(perfect if you struggle to get 2 min of quiet without kids running around)
You could stand out with your own personality .
(never worry about being boring again) 
You could attract clients that you actually like.
(and repel the freebie-seekers, haters, and headaches)
Finally figure out that element of magic that builds raving fans so you can be making sales even while you Netflix & chill


A 4 part video-workshop that teaches you how to stand out in a sea of static images.

If you’re a content creator, virtual assistant, or social media manager this is for you!


Workshop 1: GIF Basics
In this workshop we’ll dive into the fundamentals of making a GIF. You’ll learn how to make your static photos come alive and how to grab the best snippets of your own videos to
turn into a GIF.
  • How to make your stock photos stop the scroll
  • Social media image & video size and format cheat sheet
  • Intro to Canva
    Workshop 2: Advanced GIFs
    In this workshop we’ll dive a little deeper and teach you how to create layers of motion in your GIFs. We’ll also cover best practices for file size and format and how to upload your files for easy access.
    • How to make your GIFs searchable on Facebook (anyone can do this)
    • How to make a scrolling desktop mock-up
    • Create a stop-motion video without needing a camera
    Workshop 3:  Animated Stickers
    In this workshop we’ll dive into creating stickers by adding transparency to your GIFs. We’ll cover how to create a transparent background and how to export your video so that it maintains transparency.
    • How to create transparency in video
    • Keynote hacks for creating animated stickers
    • Where to find free animated stickers for your content
    Workshop 4: GIF Strategy
    Now that we know the tech of building a GIF, in this workshop we’ll dive into the strategy behind what to actually post. You’ll learn my E-E-E-asy method to create content that keeps your audience glued to their screen. We’ll also cover how you can use GIFs to surprise and delight your existing clients to keep them coming back for more.
    • My E-E-E-asy content strategy to accelerate know, like, and trust
    • Using a GIF teaser to give your client a sneak peak
    • Bring in the $$ using GIFs in your ads

    At this point you might be thinking if this is really that good then what’s the catch?
     Why are you offering all this for only $27

    I call it feel-good marketing

     Statistics show that paying customers are more likely to buy a higher priced offer than non-paying. So you get quality content that helps move your business forward and I get a high-quality lead. I’m sure those freebie hoarders are nice people, but they don’t pay my bills.
    You feel good because you get no-fluff, to-the-point training and I feel good because I get a high-quality lead.

    Don't hit pause on this offer because

    This deal will never be this sweet again…
    This isn't some gross marketing tactic.  This is the beta launch of this course and the reason I'm offering direct access to me for such a low price is so I can make changes based on your feedback in real time.  

    But what if you are not 100% satisfied?
    If you’re not 100% satisfied with GIF Yourself after 7 days, I will offer you a full refund, scouts honor. Make your payment today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 7 days to explore the materials and experience the vibe of and THEN... make a decision using the information YOU HAVE, rather than the information you don’t.

    How to animate templates you already own!
    If I just buy this set of pretty templates all my content struggles are over. Sound familiar? But that’s not reality and those templates collect digital dust. You don’t want to post the same thing as everyone else and you get frozen in inaction. This video tutorial walks you through turning a static image template into a custom-branded, eye-catching video. Stop wasting money buying more and learn how to use what you already have!

    Get that content organized!
    How much time have you wasted looking for files you know you have? Your computer looks like a tornado hit your hard drive and the wreckage is scattered across your desktop. In this video tutorial, I walk you through setting up an organization system that enables you to save and find your file in seconds. No more playing where’s waldo in a sea of folders. Never save a file to your desktop again!

    Live Q&A sessions!
    Get direct access to me through 4 weekly live Q&A sessions. This is a beta-only bonus that I’m offering so you have the opportunity to give me real-time feedback about the course. This will allow me to adjust it to your needs. You will get access to all recordings as well as any future updates to the course. I can guarantee that I will never offer this again at such a low price!

    Trello Board
    A Trello board to help you keep your content-planning organized and on track.  The board not only helps you plan when to post, but also what to post.  Their are templates within the cards so you can be sure that you include the 3 must-haves for every piece of content you post!
    Mauris ac vestibulum nibh, quis euismod velit. Mauris sodales tincidunt ex vitae viverra. Nunc neque eros, convallis vel eros id, molestie bibendum neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer quis hendrerit eros
    Stand out in a sea of static images!
    GIF Basics Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Advanced GIFs Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Animated Stickers Workshop. . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    GIF Strategy Workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Animate Your Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Get That Content Organized . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Content-Planning Trello Board. . . . . . . . (Value $27)

    4 Live Q&A Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $397)
    Total Value = ($1006)
    Today's price = $27
    I'm one of those entrepreneurs that feels like I can do everything myself. So I was a little hesitant to hire someone to make some GIFS and graphics for my FB ads. However, Jessica came highly recommended so I gave her a try. I am SO GLAD I did!! Not only were her creations way better than anything I could've come up with, she made them so quickly and was a joy to work with. I will absolutely be using her services again in the future and I recommend you do too. Everyone needs a Jessica in their life! 
    - Erin Blackwell, Erin Blackwell Photography
    Before we brought Jessica in to help us, our videos never went out on time. Jessica not only edited our videos super-quickly but she also made sure they looked amazing. I think my favorite thing about Jessica is her creative eye and the fact that she takes total ownership of everything she does. She sees herself as a part of the team and takes responsibility for increasing the success of the business... such a rare gift and something that just can't be taught.
    - Kathryn Calhoun, Kathryn Calhoun Coaching
    Stand out in a sea of static images!
    GIF Basics Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Advanced GIFs Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Animated Stickers Workshop. . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    GIF Strategy Workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Animate Your Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Get That Content Organized . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Content-Planning Trello Board. . . . . . . . (Value $27)

    4 Live Q&A Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $397)
    Total Value = ($1006)
    Today's price = $27
    Is everything available immediately?

    Because this is the beta launch, the content will be dripped out.  You will get 1 new workshop every week for 4 weeks starting April 8th, 2020.

    How long do I have access?

    Don't worry, you have unlimited access to all the material.  Once a workshop is released, it is yours to keep.  

    Can I have my VA take the course?
    They sure can!  Send me an email at and we'll get your VA added.

    Do I need any expensive software?
    The most expensive software I recommend is Canva Pro, which at this time is $12.95/month.  Everything else is free.  However, I do want to note that one of the programs I use for animated stickers is Keynote and it is only available on a Mac.  I have not yet found a suitable substitute for PC.  Even without Keynote, you're still able to do the majority of the course on a PC.
    Are you ready to make content creation FUN?

    Here’s the truth…

    NO ONE wants to watch boring content and NO ONE wants to make boring content so how about we just stop doing that right now.

    Stand out in a sea of static images!
    GIF Basics Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Advanced GIFs Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Animated Stickers Workshop. . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    GIF Strategy Workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Animate Your Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Get That Content Organized . . . . . . . . . . (Value $97)

    Content-Planning Trello Board. . . . . . . . (Value $27)

    4 Live Q&A Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $397)
    Total Value = ($1006)
    Today's price = $27  -  All Rights Reserved  -  Terms & Conditions
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